Home > Drag and Drop Questions

Drag and Drop Questions

March 29th, 2011 in ICND1 Go to comments

Here you will find answers to drag and drop questions in ICND 1 exam

Question 1:

Drag the appropriate command on the left to the configuration task it accomplishes (not all options are used)



1) service password-encryption
2) line console 0
password friendS0nly
3) enable secret noWay1n4u
4) line vty 0 4
password 2hard2Guess
5) enable password uwi11NeverNo

Question 2:

Construct the command sequence to configure an IP address on a serial interface (not all options are used)



1) Hub# configure terminal
2) Hub(config)# interface s0/0
3) Hub(config-if)# ip address
4) Hub(config-if)# no shutdown
5) Hub(config-if)# description T1 to WAN


One thing interesting in the answers is that the command ip address “” (answer 3) is correct because is not a broadcast address. Let’s analyze this case a bit closer:

Increment: 4 for the third octet ( = 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1100.0000 0000)
First subnetwork range: to
Second subnet range: to

Therefore and are the broadcast addresses but not So we can assign this address to s0/0 interface.

( Notice that the command Hub(config)# ip address is only correct only if it is in interface mode, which is Hub(config-if)# )

Question 3:

Drag the commands on the left to the appropriate functions on the right (Not all options are used)



1) ipconfig /all
2) tracert
3) telnet
4) ping
5) arp -a

  1. mike
    September 2nd, 2010

    I am going to take the ICND1, what questions on this site are included?
    Are the only questions the ones listed under 640-822 or can any ccna question be on the ICND1?

  2. ChuBbyBaby
    November 12th, 2010

    for question 3,what is the difference between ping 127.0.01 and
    why do you use ping instead of the other one???

  3. vstrabello
    November 25th, 2010

    As is in the answer. Tests the TCP/IP protocol stack. It shows if you computer have at least TCP/IP successfully installed there.

    fnm@localhost:~$ ping -c 4
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms

    — ping statistics —
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2997ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.041/0.044/0.048/0.002 ms

    If your PC is able to ping it, it may reach the IP address from your or other network.


  4. Mits
    January 7th, 2011

    Hi… for question no. 2, y is ip address not possible?

  5. Mits
    January 7th, 2011

    Okay.Got it!It’s a broadcast address on the second subnet.Right?

    January 14th, 2011

    @Mits check subnet mask carefully it is block size of 32
    so it is broadcast address .

  7. n.w.a
    February 1st, 2011

    guys ive a question what do you prefer me i ve took my icnd 1 exam and failed 790 shall i try icnd 1 again or go for the ccna composite ?
    for 9tut a friend told me to bad because he told me after i took my exam here are some questions that ive seen in icnd 1 now im lite bit confused

  8. skysh
    February 17th, 2011

    Drag and Drops that were not in 9tut yet…I think…
    1. DHCP Process : Discover –> Offer –> Request –> Acknowelege (DORA)
    2. WAN types : Frame Relay, Leased Line, ATM, PTSN(?) –> Point-to-Point, Circuit Switch, Cell..etc…
    But get a grip on WAN…

  9. good-cisco-man
    February 20th, 2011

    great site – great explanations but understand the concepts first – buy the book- read them – then come to this site to see if you really understand the material

  10. Syb3rn1nja
    March 3rd, 2011

    Had a drag and drop that pertained to cell switching, packet switching, circut switching… Didn’t see it on this site.. ANy comments about this would be welcome.

  11. Aaron
    March 3rd, 2011

    maybe you are referrring to the questions below:
    Circuit Switching- PSTN
    Packet Switching- Frame Realy
    Cell Switching- ATM
    Lease Line- point to point

  12. Optura
    March 19th, 2011

    Passed the ICND1 test today with a 874. Just trying to help out others as this site helped me.

    I had all three of these drag and drops as well as the DHCP “DORA”.

  13. Bobo
    March 21st, 2011

    Hello, Passed today with a 925. Onto the next one now. I had a couple sims that were on here but had a drag and drop that I did’t see on here. It involved the DHCP process. You had four choices and had to put them in order. The choices were


    I also had another drag and drop that mapped applications to descriptions

    Email – Send messages back and forth
    Collaboration – multiple users updating simultaneously
    Database – a collectio of records stored in a central location
    Web Browser – Application for internet servers.

    Anyways, it was something along those line.

    For Study I used

    Cisco Press 640-822 Wendell Odem
    Pass4sure practice exams
    Packet Tracer – Extremely useful
    Of Course, this website – Very useful as well.

  14. Bobo
    March 21st, 2011

    Sorry it was DHCPrequest

  15. Carabini
    March 23rd, 2011

    The RACADM.EXE utility provides a scriptable interface that allows you to locally or remotely configure your remote access controller RAC … Using the RACADM.EXE utility you can enter command line options to configure RAC properties. You can also use the RACADM.EXE utility to write scripts that will automatically configure multiple RACs.

  16. Vinds
    March 28th, 2011

    Bobo…. you have listed wrong order.
    correct order is
    1) DHCP discover
    2) DHCP Offer
    3) DHCP request
    4) DHCP pack

  17. Volcy
    April 5th, 2011

    Do you get points for answering some of the Drag and Drops questions correct? Or does it count the question as one?

  18. CCENT qualified
    April 19th, 2011

    As said, read the books first, then come to this site. CBT Nuggets and CCNA by Sybex/Lammle is great. But FYI

    Had a drag and drop that wasn’t listed here that caught me by surprise and had to think about for a while.

    Something like match the WAN type to the technology/method. Haven’t checked if these answers are correct but I think this is what I did.

    ATM > Multiplexing
    PSTN > Circuit
    Frame Relay > Packet
    Leased Line or PPP or something > ?

    Good luck.

  19. skyyyyy2001
    May 2nd, 2011

    there you go…

    Point to Point – Lease Line
    Circuit Switched – PSTN
    Packet Switched – Frame relay
    Cell Switched – ATM

    May 11th, 2011

    What are unicast addresses

  21. ehmyway
    June 25th, 2011

    Passed today from riyadh/ksa with 962/1000 missed 2 qts,thanks a tons to 9tut.net,ExamCollection.com,CBT Nuggets by Jeremy Cioara,ICND Modules(1 to 6) from cisco.com and special thanks to Cisco.TestKing.640-822.v2011-04-18.by.AttaullahShahid.513q.vce (Examcollection.com).
    Important Advice Subnet Subnet Subnet learn subnetting with practise and try to solve the subnet qts just by looking at the netmask.Now Looking forward to ICND2.

    Above Qt1 was there on my Test

  22. Farid Amiree
    June 30th, 2011

    Hello Guys

    Could you please help with my CCNA exams,

    any update with new drag and drop, Subnetting

    Farid Amiree

  23. emachadorj
    July 1st, 2011

    I passed tonight with 975/1000. All of these questions were there. Almost the same ones.

  24. whatever
    July 26th, 2011

    ChubbyBaby – you ping (it includes a range of addresses including the network) because it is a loopback address, the other is a Class A private address. Loopback addresses are used for testing

    Unicast addresses are single IP addresses assigned to a host or a device

  25. whatever
    July 31st, 2011

    mistake – didn’t mean to include 128 network

  26. Jay1
    August 5th, 2011

    Passed ICND1 today. I had 2 of these drag/drop on it. Thanks 9tut. I will donate in a few minutes. I appreciate the site.

  27. WKC
    August 20th, 2011

    Passed ICND1 today with 962…..I didn’t have any of these today. I had the Drag and Drop for the order of DHCP (D.O.R.A)

    Studied with:
    Odom ICND1 Book
    Todd Lamle CCNA book
    Chris Bryant (thebryantadvantage.com)

  28. NerroAzurro
    August 26th, 2011

    I got DORA.
    DNS, WEB Browser, DHCP, database, collection

  29. Anonymous
    September 7th, 2011

    Passed ICND1 on Aug 26th, I had DNS, Web Browser, DHCP, database and collaboration, and order of DHCP.

  30. kmt
    September 18th, 2011

    Command Seq

    Very helpful to know

  31. necr0sys
    September 22nd, 2011

    Guys the drag and drop feature doesn’t work for me on this site. I’m running Firefox and tried explorer too. Any idea why? When I click and drag a no entry/invalid sign appears.

  32. xallax
    September 23rd, 2011

    those are just images on this site.
    if you want to practice on drag and drops then try here:

  33. bond007
    October 6th, 2011

    Almost all of these drag-n-drops were on my exam yesterday. I got the prize package for sure. Just don’t memorize know why it is happening.

    October 11th, 2011

    Good comment…you have to know the concept!

  35. hikerdude
    November 25th, 2011

    Q1 has an issue with the first part (login password cantCome1n). User mode implies access through con, vty, aux etc. When configuring any of these, the syntax is:

    line x (e.g. line con 0 OR line vty 0 4)
    password cisco

    You must enter the password first, followed by the word “login” on a separate line.

    Can someone update that diagram to reflect this?

  36. hikerdude
    November 25th, 2011

    In answer to Chubbybaby’s question about the the difference between ping 127.0.01 and is known as the loopback address. Pinging the loopback address is the first thing you should do if you can’t access anything on your network. This verifies TCP/IP is loaded and functioning problem. From there, you’re next step would be to ping your local IP address. Then, you’re gateway address. Those should always be your first three steps in troubleshooting connectivity issues.

  37. hikerdude
    November 25th, 2011

    To add to my previous comment: If you’re on a Windows pc, open a command prompt (i.e. a DOS prompt) and enter ipconfig /all to determine you’re local IP address. Then, try to ping your local IP. If you can ping your local IP, that tells you your NIC is functioning.

  38. xallax
    November 25th, 2011

    that’s in the study guide. in real world you will do a “ping http://www.google.com -t” at first because you don’t care how far the packet goes, you care only if it gets to the internet. if it doesn’t then you start troubleshooting.

    still, for the exam you are 100% correct. ping loopback first, pc’s IP second, default gateway third

  39. hikerdude
    December 4th, 2011


    I agree. I was just sticking to the basics that might be asked on the ICND1. But yes, real world, you “go for broke” first and try to ping your destination first, then step back from there (i.e. if you can’t ping the destination you’re trying to reach, see if you can ping ANYTHING outside your LAN. If you can’t, try and ping your default gateway, then your nic, then loopback.

  40. Hughie5Woody
    December 4th, 2011

    The cisco answer is a waste of time. Go for broke. If it works, you’re done, if not then backup. Except for the test! One thing to note though. Pinging doesn’t test your NIC completely. It doesn’t send out any signal (check your activity lights on the card). It only checks your protocol stack is loaded and the code is running without error. Again no signal leaves your windows machine.

  41. hikerdude
    December 6th, 2011

    Good point Hughie5Woody. Small but important detail.

  42. IrishDave
    December 22nd, 2011

    Hi 9tut,

    Cleared ICND1 this morning with an 874/1000 with 20 minutes to spare. Thought I did better but i’m not complaining, chuffed to clear it 1st time. It was easier than I anticipated, put the hours in studying and you will be fine. This was my first question on the exam. You have pretty much nailed it. show running-config on both devices and answer the 4 questions. The questions above are very close to what was asked. look for clear-text passwords, passwords on the console and vty lines, weak username and password command (cisco) , login local, the number of telnet sessions allowed, is a password configured for Telnet, exec-timeout, will it allow telnet and ssh etc.

    I would like to thank 9tut / xallax and the everyone else for all the time you have put into this site. This site helped me pass as most of my questions were on the site!!! From what I remember, some of the questions I got were as follows:

    -Security Testlet above, all the information is displayed in the running config, just go through the options given in the 4 questions
    -Drag and Drop – DHCP (DORA) / Drag and Drop # 2 (file management – copy flash tftp etc) / DNS,ARP,DHCP (know what they do) / WAN technologies (Frame Relay – Packet switched , ATM – cell switched etc)
    -Implementation SIM using show cdp neighbors command / show IP interface brief
    -Show configuration SIM (show run / startup command disabled)
    -Transport Layer fundamentals – 3 way handshake, TCP/UDP, Flow control
    -Protocol process through the layers of TCP/IP stack sending an email using HTTP (SMTP at app layer – TCP at Transport layer – IP at Network layer – ARP at Network access layer)
    -Encapsulation (HDLC) – default on Cisco devices
    -Troubleshooting connectivity issues – when to use a X-over cable and Straight-through, spot incorrect cable in a diagram / duplex mismatch etc.
    -Service Password Encryption and what it does
    -What switches do when they get a packet with a destination MAC not in CAM table – Flood
    -Indicator lights on a switch – Flashing green, Green etc (what each means – Full/Half duplex, network activity etc)
    -Port-security, Mac-address sticky command, know what it does
    -know the packet delivery process for the sending across the LAN and WAN (what MAC is used where etc) / ARP
    -RIP (what happens when you enter router rip command – defaults to version 1)
    -implementing a Static Route to default-gateway
    -Subnetting,Subnetting,Subnetting (I had about 7 or 8 questions relating to Subnetting, valid host ranges, broadcast / network address etc. Practice and you will be fine. subnettingquestions.org I found really helpful. )

    Hope this helps. Remember, do not memorize each question on this site, know the concepts and why they happen and you will be fine. I used CBTnuggets, Cisco Press Book, Packet tracer (I didn’t create any funky topologies, I just used it for working on the IOS entering commands) and subnettingquestions.org.

    Onto ICND2 in the new year. Good luck!!!

  43. IrishDave
    December 22nd, 2011

    Hi All, The above comment is copied from the Security Testlet tab. 1st paragraph relates to the Security testlet question.

  44. Ebrahim
    January 19th, 2012

    Thank you so much 9tut for your website. It is helping me a lot preparing for my exam on the 23rd of this month.

    IrishDave, I like your outline. it is very useful.

  45. chas
    January 26th, 2012

    Got q1 and q2. Cleared them both. Thanks to 9tut, you’re the best. Onto ICND2 now.

  46. chas
    January 26th, 2012

    Glad to know DORA. The key to pass the exam is go through examcollection.com, go through 9tut and all the comments. I was so thankful that I took the time to go through each and every single comments on 9tut on the ICND1 topics. Most of the answers are from the comments. Thanks to each and everyone of you who had contibuted your time and effort. Thank you all! Onto ICND2 now.

  47. bobo
    February 7th, 2012

    I love you ALL!!!

  48. Lanz
    February 10th, 2012

    Question 3, DORA and Point to Point – Lease Line
    Circuit Switched – PSTN
    Packet Switched – Frame relay
    Cell Switched – ATM

    included in yesterday ICND1 exam

  49. KirA
    February 22nd, 2012

    Hi! What’s about of DORA question? Order only ( D->O->R->A)? But I must to point where unicast frame and broadcast frame? I’m going to take 640-822 this friday.

  50. xallax
    February 22nd, 2012

    discover – broadcast
    offer – unicast
    request – broadcast
    accept – unicast

    dora/bubu 🙂

  51. KirA
    February 22nd, 2012

    Thanks, but why request is broadcast?
    W.Odom icnd1 page 124-125. Only first two messages is a Broadcast.
    “… why the “…the first two messages in the DHCP are broadcast messages…” refers to Network Layer IP broadcast messages (destination IP address of Then “…only the first message (the Discover message) is a LAN Broadcast…” because only the Discover packet’s frame had the Ethernet destination address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (therefore a LAN broadcast) and the Offer packet’s frame had the Ethernet destination address of PC:MA:CA:DD:RR:SS (therefore a LAN unicast). ”
    So i worry with this question..

  52. KirA
    February 24th, 2012

    Passed today!! 937. It’s very easy exam! Good luck!!!
    Thanks for all!!
    Great site!!!! 9tut – FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

    March 2nd, 2012

    1) DHCP discover
    2) DHCP Offer
    3) DHCP request
    4) DHCP pack

    DORA and Point to Point – Lease Line
    Circuit Switched – PSTN
    Packet Switched – Frame relay
    Cell Switched – ATM


  54. evoken
    March 23rd, 2012

    Passed today (23rd March) with 936. I got the DHCP and type of network drag and drop questions. Both simple.

  55. Anonymous
    April 4th, 2012

    Got question #3 today..

  56. Yosif
    April 18th, 2012

    Got 2 drag and drop Q’s on the test today, which i found in the comments:

    Frame relay = packet switching
    ATM = cell switching
    PPP = leased line
    PSTN = circuit switching

    Q2 was about DNS, DHCP, TFTP, FTP, SNMP.

  57. Mrmicp
    April 26th, 2012

    I got Dora to BUT I listed them this way


    Starting from the bottom first eg discover 1st just as the physical layer is the 1st layer of the OSI model at the bottom.

    I scored 950 but wondered if this would have been marked as correct ad it didn’t specify bottom to top or vice versa.

  58. Greg
    April 30th, 2012


    The proper order for a DHCP request is discover/offer/request/acknowledge. Listing them the way you did isn’t the correct order when a PC uses a DHCP. Listing them in the order you did would most likely result in the answer being marked incorrect.

  59. Ricky
    June 16th, 2012

    Passed test today 925/1000
    I had some WAN drag and drops that were not on this 9tut. I want to thank 9tut , because this web site helped me so much!!!!

  60. salmatun
    June 19th, 2012

    kenape die xley drag and drop ?

  61. salmatun
    June 19th, 2012

    time kasih 9tutut…

  62. ahmed ezz egypt
    June 21st, 2012

    i got this lab in exam yesterday

  63. u2
    June 28th, 2012

    passed today…got que 1

  64. Muhammad
    July 6th, 2012

    Thnx 9tut…. i just passed ICND1… you helped me alot.. there was 1 new drag & drop question … as long as i remember … there were some slots on the left .. one was, DNS, one was ATM, one was, PTSN, one was, ARP and DHCP … and aususal emptly slots with the description on the right side ….

  65. carien RCA
    August 6th, 2012

    good morning, please the friends, be able to decrir exam icnd1? questionaires on what modulates? is this also ospf, eigrp, and nat? for icnd1? svp j am confused help me, j ‘ai finished the fornation ccna, then j must take my exam in 2 edges icnd1 then 2, my icnd1 exam is the next week;halp me please


  66. Sara
    August 23rd, 2012

    I failed Icdn1 today, 724, I think one of the questions was wrong, is it possible ?
    another question is how cisco evaluate the test, it was just 1 wlan question and it has 100% score, all the subject has the same vlaue?

  67. Shariq
    September 1st, 2012

    @ xallax
    February 22nd, 2012
    discover – broadcast
    offer – unicast
    request – broadcast
    accept – unicast

    dora/bubu :)”
    Accept is in the 3rd step where PC is accepting the Offered IP address by Requesting back to the DHCP server to assign it the Offered IP address.
    The 4th step is Acknowledgement from the DHCP server that your accepted IP address has been assigned to the PC.

    A useful website for Bank Exams PO preparation:: http://www.bankingexams.com/

  68. Robert Williams
    September 3rd, 2012

    Q2 and 3 on my exam 8/31.

  69. Ruth
    September 11th, 2012

    You are right but the last one is Ack for Acknowledgement. The way to remember this is DORA is Discover, Offer, Request and Ack.

  70. Ruth
    September 11th, 2012

    Discover is the only one that broadcast, all the other three are unicast.

  71. xallax
    September 11th, 2012

    @robert @ruth
    dhcpdiscover and dhcprequest are broadcasts as the client doesnt have an IP address and will try to contact all dhcp servers on both occasions. discover – to let all servers know there’s a client that needs service; request – to let all servers know that a particular server was chosen for the service
    dhcpoffer and dhcpack (my bad above, it’s not accept) are unicasts because the frames from the server are directed towards the client (directly or via routers)

  72. Bushy
    September 25th, 2012

    Had questions 2 and 3. Passed 9/23/12 with a 974. This website is awesome and is a great representation of whats on the test. I had the DORA drag and drop, and also the WAN protocol DAD. The security testlet was on there. Chose banner as part of my answers and got 100% in that area. I had lots of subnetting questions, so if you are not comfortable with subnetting, practice. For studying I used this site, cisco (for the subnetting game, and also went through their review questions), and attended a CCNA course at a certified cisco learning partner. Also had the implementation drag and drop. thanks 9tut, on to ICND2. Good luck everyone.

  73. CB
    October 18th, 2012

    DORA drap and drop appeared today.


  74. Soulust
    November 30th, 2012

    took my test yesterday got 782 just missed it . i had the same drag n drop :

    Frame relay = packet switching
    ATM = cell switching
    PPP = leased line
    PSTN = circuit switching

    and caught me by surprise as well . Maybe 9tut can add it the rest of the Q’s in here so others dont run into the same thing I did 🙂 I will be taking my test again in 1 week wish me luck

  75. Dallas Naijan
    December 10th, 2012

    I am totally having some unfortunate luck with all of my Cisco attempts for 640-802 and then stepping down to doing the two part 640-822 and 640-166. On my last two failed attempts with the 802 exam, I failed both exams by 10 points which caused me to go hysterical. When I decided to go for the 640-822 test, I studied hard for another 3 weeks with all sorts of tools provided:
    – Leadpass
    – CBT Nuggets
    – Testout
    – Boson 7.0 Netsim
    – ITU
    – Cisco Press ICND1 book by Wendell Odom
    – Cisco Packet Tracer
    – 9tut
    – ExamCollection
    – VCE
    – subnettingquestions.org
    and I still ended up failing for with a 775/1000. I was for sure that I passed the exam when I was killing all of my practice material. I definitely do not know what is going on and this is extremely disturbing. I keep seeing others with great success stories, and I’m trying to reach that pinnacle also to relay my experiences, but damn, I’m in a hole I can’t get out of. Can anyone out there feed me some of the latest dumps for the ICND1 exam. I would definitely appreciate this as I’m trying to be a family member in the Cisco world.
    I can be reached easily at cehiem@yahoo.com

  76. Stick_OW
    December 13th, 2012

    Thanks 9TUT, just passed my ICND1 with 899 and 23 minutes to spare. The simulations on your page is very valid, I got all the LabSim simulations. THANKS!!!

  77. matz
    December 17th, 2012

    Got the PSTN, leased line, ATM and frame relay along with a drag and drop for Transport layer protocols.

    And yes DORA as well. lol

  78. Reader
    January 11th, 2013

    Answer to question 1 is not very clear, Does anyone has an answer for q1 in a clearer format until 9tut fixes it?

  79. Retake#ICND1
    January 23rd, 2013

    The tool doesn’t work with Windows 8, IE10.

  80. Frank
    January 25th, 2013

    @ Reader

    The questions are on the right. So, going from top to bottom number those out and match them to the answers that 9 tut listed out. Pretty simple.

  81. Jan
    January 30th, 2013

    This website is really awesome.This website gives me hope.I cant figure it out that how to say thanks to 9tute.God bless you 9tute.Cheers!

  82. jacques
    March 29th, 2013

    hi there i need some advice
    am IT train and am looking to pass the ccna exam
    just want to know the best way to pass
    plz look forward to heard from you ..

  83. Piho
    April 23rd, 2013

    @Jan.. you can say thanks by donating 🙂 after i pass this baby i will donate!

  84. 3dawg
    April 23rd, 2013

    FINALLY PASSED! 812/804. Study examcollection dumps & 9tut.

  85. DM
    May 3rd, 2013

    Q1 and 2 was in the exam today

  86. Muk5hit
    May 9th, 2013

    thanks 3dawg im a do the same thing to pass wish me luck

  87. engr_345
    May 27th, 2013

    do you have the latest dumps…
    plz share with me if u have….
    thanx in Advance
    my email: khan_nasir45@yahoo.com

  88. G
    August 9th, 2013

    Took ICND 1 as a bet for co worker. I’ve been a network engineer for over 6 years. Sometimes you have to go back to the basics to see if you still got it lol. Passed my ICND 1. 890/1000. You need a 804 to pass. The security Testlet was on my exam along with the drag and drop items. One drag and drop item that is not on 9tut is ATM-Cell Switched PSTN-Circuit switched Frame-Packet switched Leased Line- Point to Point. Study Materials were Todd Lammle CCNA videos 6th edition and 9tut only. Good Luck.

  89. Anonymous
    August 16th, 2013

    WHINERS asking for dumps! Just study what 9tut has posted for you here, until you understand WHY it works! You will NEVER SUCCEED in industry by using dumps, in THE REAL WORLD, you have to know WHY things work!

  90. SKY
    September 12th, 2013

    Gona take my test in Next few days 🙂 Hope this website would help.

  91. Dan
    September 15th, 2013

    SKY, let me know how it goes, I am taking the test on the 27th, think I am the last one taking it!

  92. Anonymous
    September 23rd, 2013

    im taking mine last day…hope all is well…

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