Share your ICND1 Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the exam ICND1, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…
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Please share with us your experience after taking the exam ICND1, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…
Please don’t post links to copyrighted work here!
Passed today. 50% of the exam was subnetting. Also know your cabling and security.
Did CBT nuggets and I have two years hands-on experience.
Had a new simulation about 1 router and 1 switch. had to use the sh run command to see the config of them both, and then got 4 security questions (banner, telnet and ssh on vty 0- 4).
The 9tut sims were very useful.
Passed last week, 933, USA. Had the security question, but has to be the one they are testing. Had quite a few questions that I have never seen, a couple of them were drag and drops, one of them was about email, ftp, tftp, dababase, etc. with logical wording that you would have to drag and drop to them. Had show configuration sim with different cidr, and the first lab sim from 9tut, also I remember a question of what combination of keys will end a telnet session or someyhing to that effect. A lot of questions on layer 2 flow (mac address, switch table).
Besides fast subnetting, practice all the commands from all labs here, they will grade you for the rigth or wrong commands you enter. Don’t schedule unless you are ready. Good luck.
@ All, is there any one out there with the latest P4S ? If so, could you kindly share ?
@IOS image
that link doesn’t work dude!!
Got through the exam recently. One question was there on the select two wireless authentication protocols select two options.
@IOS_maze, it does work!!! What i have downloaded is 3640, 2600 and 7200. all worked!
all were from rapidshare
Now trying to get SDM install on 7200 router…still sorting it out from this vid
Thks to 9tut, took the exam today and passed with 937. Most of the simulators here were good and had helped me to pass the exam. But, please do not depend strictly on dumps because there are about 20-30% difference in the questions, I actually studied quite thoroughly on all the topics but was weak on wireless. Think I did’nt cover enough on that topic. Would like to contribute something back since this site had helped me.
In the exam, there is a simulation not in this site. Something like this after your do a #show running-config comand:
username ciscouser password 0 cisco
line con 0
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input ssh
Now, under ‘line vty 0 4’ there is a ‘login local’ command, with no password set and the input is only ssh. You will have a question that needs you to choose answers that best describe the configuration.
Because login local command needs to set the ‘username’ and the password to login into the vty using ssh. But the since the first line did not have a priv 15 in the middle between ‘username ciscouser’ & ‘password 0 cisco’, so the person who login will not have the full privilege when login.
Please read up on ‘login local’ if you want to know exactly how it works. There is no way you can answer that question if you don’t understand the concept.
Good luck.
Hi, Just passed the exam with 887/1000. Thank you very much 9tut This one is very good. 100% is valid. Thank you very much again.
If I can help to improve this site please let me know. Keep it up the good work.If some one need any help… let me know. I will help you…
9tut… you help me to full fill my dreams… Thank you….
@GAP, you have the software, click on EDIT then CHECK FOR UPDATES
hi helaya……….i have the same exam on 14th…… which dumps do u recommend?
thnx in advance
There is a question that popped up all 3 times I took CCENT and it still sticks in my brain whether I got it right. Talks about sharing information and etc. Really not sure of actual question.
Three of the four answers are: email, database, collaboration. The fourth choice left me now…
Anybody familiar what I’m talking about?
Another question I saw once and wondered “WHERE did they get that”?
It has to do with modems and modulating and TERMINATING. Answers I know are B, D, and E, if you see this question. But, then, who’s to say they don’t reorder the answers?
@CW, I was asking for ICND1 Pass4sure upadated questions for my friend who is about to sit for the exam. They are not for me. Thanks
just had an exam today. got 962. thnx 9tut and all.
c u all in Route π
Uhlenkaj: here is the correct ans:
1collaboration creates a space where can interact on common projects
2web browser provieds a way to look at and inteact with information on the internet
3 batabase allows users to store and retrieve information
4 instant message allows users to create and send text to another users on or outside their network
5 email allows user to send messages and files to users on or outside their network
Uhlenkaj if you want some pdf send me an email i have a few cve files. i am taken ccent exam this week
Thanks 9tut, just passed my ICND exam today with a 933, Implementation SIM was on there and also the new switch/router security testlet, unfortunately i can’t remember much of the new testlet.
My tip for anyone is use this site and practice subnetting, also try the pass4sure vbe that was also very helpful.
10 days to go… ICND1 here I come!
a fews days to go for ccna exam here i come…………1000 score ohhhh gohhhhhhsss
but still i will try
I took INCD1 on Feb 21st.Got a lot of drag and drop questions come out . Got database, Firewalll mixture question for you to define.
Aslo the lab got doubts:
There are two same IP addresses on two Routers’ interfaces, F0/1 and S 0/0, Same subnet maskes as well.
Anyone has idea how to solve this questions?
Besides, one quiesiton is ask about why we need to set a default gateway for a switch?
Please post the answer and it will benefit all the guys who take ICND1 recently.
Default gateway is configured on the switch so that remote management of the switch is made possible, like telnet and ssh
writing my ICND on 25th february any new insights from the recent test takers?!
Hi guys! am writing my icnd 1 exam on the 26th Feb. Been using CBT nuggets by Jeremy, CCENT official guide and todd lamle. I just need the latest P4S or any of the latest dumps to enable me practice some more. so if anyone can pls send me the latest dumps, will appreciate it. email addy:
PS: i just stumbled into this website today and its really good.
i also wanted to enquire from pple who took the icdn 1 test recently if the labs on here are still valid.
hi guys… had my exam today and passed with 887 marks and all the labs came from 9tut so prepare well and there were like 5 drag n drop question.. one was dhcpdiscover, dhcprequest, dhcpoffer, dhcppack. Prepare well Security Testlet, Subnetting, Drag & Drop well from here.. all this question in 9tut came in my exam.. Best of luck to all guys π
i am asking again …. Can u tell me from which topic the simulation Question come for ICND-1 papar ?
@Abas: Please read all the simulation questions in the ICND1 Lab Sim ( You can classify these sims based on their titles.
Took my test couple days ago and passed with a 917, I got the Security testlet and the implementation SIM (original, not #2), show config SIM… several drag and drops (DHCP, the one with collaboration & database, etc).
Some things that helped me:
Expanding on the DORA theme for DHCP, I go with DORA’s BUBU. This tells me Broadcast and Unicast for each corresponding piece (D-B, O-U, R-B, A-U).
Also I created a table that saved me TONS of time subnetting and made it quite easy to find a subnet mask and subnet distance. Table is as follows:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
128 192 224 240 248 252 254 255
/1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 <1
/9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 <2
/17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 <3
/25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31 /32 <4
Simple description of how to use it is find the /subnet mask it asks for in the table, on the right (with <) is what octet it will be in, 2nd row on top is what number goes into that octet in the mask, then above that (top row) is how far apart each subnet is.
EX: /22 – find /22 in table, it belongs to 3rd octet and 2nd row shows 248 so the mask is (always fill in the rest with 0's after the octet where the number is). So network portion is first 2 octets and subnet is 3rd octet. Also, above the 248 is 8 so the subnets are,, and .16.0, .24.0, etc… and you can find out what the network address of the given IP is (in this case belongs to
If this LOOKS complicated, it really ISN'T and it saved me TONS of time on the test, I could get the net address within seconds just by using my chart (rather than having to do the math or AND'ing, etc).
Try it and see! Worked for me !!!
Good luck on the test all…
OK, so submitting my chart removed all the formatting from it!
Copy it down and realign all the numbers going across and down in a grid (9 across and 6 down, always aligning to the left since the top 2 rows only have 8) and it will make more sense and be MUCH easier to read!!
Sorry about that…
Oh, and before anyone says that you’ll never find a CIDR of /1 or /32, etc…. I KNOW that and in theory that’s true… its just for continuity for the sake of the table… RELAX! π
Oh and another tip for the exam… I was always under the impression that the testlets came at the END of the exam after all the multiple choice questions… that is NOT true! They are spread throughout the exam! I kinda panicked for a moment when my first testlet came up around question 10 or so… and I thought “holy crap I have more testlets at the end too?” Anyway… there are 50 TOTAL questions and the testlets are included in those 50 and spread throughout the exam, so don’t panic if you see them early. I spent a fair amount of time on them and finished the exam with 2 mins left so timed it perfectly (by luck). And even though there are 4 or 5 questions within each testlet, it still only counts as “1 of the 50”.
Hope that helps someone !!!
OK… So now I look like an idiot because I read my own table wrong!! Sorry guys… I was going off the /21 mask, not /22 so I was wrong in my own example (in my first post)!!!
1. For /21 the subnet mask is and the distance is 8
2. For /22 the subnet mask is actually and the distance is 4 (not 8!)
Sorry for the confusion. Wish I could go edit my initial post, but… I guess its there forever now… lol.
passed icnd1 today with 925… most of the questions where from Cisco CertKey 640-822 v2011-01-15 by CCENT 246q.vce & Cisco CertifyMe 640-822 v2010-07-31 by Ariel 237q.vce…
Got 1 sim only which is Implementation SIM…
and for security testlet questions are like u have to check the router and switch running-config and answer the 4 questions (2 ques for switch and 2 for router ques)…i guess i answer them all correctly coz i got 100% for security… u must know the what is no login, password 0 and so on…
Got 3 new questions, 2 of them is very easy…the one i remember is wireless lan one, question is like ” which of the followings are true for today wireless technology? Choose 2″
Finally knowing subnetting is a must!!!…
Just passed icnd1 with 962 score. Study materials used were CiscoPress ICND1 text, boson exam sim, and this site. Thanks to 9tut.
@ justjonny and ios-image, congrats on your victory….see u guys at the top
am writing my exam on mon, were dere any new labs in ur exam pls?
Passed today with 3 days of cbt nuggets….had 2 sims that were on here….
@ new lab…
for more info..questions didnt change that much… 90% are from the vce i mentioned…
even 80% of subnetting questions have same ip address as in dumps…
Thank you A-rocks ! I got it. I plan to retake ICND 1 soon.
The Implementation SIM 2 quesion has been changed in Test. One WAN interface and one LAN interface Ip adresses and subnets are the same !!I felt it is a kind of strange but didn not do anything with it.
Could anybody advise:
Should I check some configuration regarding to the same Ip address and Subnets?
Hi, I am Fail ICND 1. Put wrong Name above~`Opps
Want to thank for A-rocks reply.
pls guys, urgently, what is the difference btw serial 0/0 is down, line protocol is down and serial 0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down?
cos i dnt knw the difference and am writing my icnd1 exam today.
@fail icnd1 what has changed in the exam? are the labsims on here stl valid?
When an interface is down, line protocol is down – there’s a problem with physical layer (bad cable, no cable, wrong cable pinouts, speed mismatch, device is off, device is shutdown).
When an interface is administratively down, line protocol is down – someone issued a “shutdown” command on that interface.
Also note that when an interface is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled) – that means the port has been shutdown due to port-security violation (with a “shutdown” configuration on the interface, i.e “switchport port-security violation shutdown” has been issued on that interface).
Hope this helps!
Thanks 9tut !! You really helped … I cleared CCNA ICND1 (CCENT) . 850/1000
Hey guys, passed my ICND1 with 875 ^^
There were many new questions, 50% from VCEs.
Questions I remembered were,
1. what class can supply 66,000 or more. (A,B,C,D,E)
2. In the topology new switchB is added that connects to Host B one side, router B other side, and Router B connects to another switchA that connects to Host A. What is the role of default gateway on switchB?
-a) its used for a switch to pass traffic from Host A to Host B
-b) its used for HostB to remotely connect to the network.
I am sure which one, so please get it done.
Also few add drop questions: I had to match SQL, ARP, DHCP, DNS, etc.
Tip: Don’t rush, I finished 22 minutes left, I was sooo nervous, but if you studied the ICND1 cisco press 2nd edition, it will get you your CCENT! π
Take care! (ps.I only had 2 hours sleep, lol)
Hi guys,
I passed my ICND1 with 899 today.
i appreaciate everyone on this website and i thank 9tut for being such an amazing help to me.
there were a couple of new questions, a whole new set of drag and drop questions. the certkey and ariel vce helped too like 60%
Just passed ICND1 yesterday with 974/1000!!!
If there’s any advise I can give anyone going for the exam – make sure you go through ALL the material on this site! I saw at least 4 or 5 identical sims on the test – minor changes but fundamental concepts remain the same.
On to ICND2 in 3 weeks.
Hi guys this site is the best i took minds today,847,But don’t only depend on the material here I suggest understanding the networking fundamentals such as basic protocols,be very fluent in CLI .And also know subnetting very good. You would be a fool to do this examine unless u know how to subnet.
All in all the exam is not to challenging but make sure u cover all the topics and it will be straight forward
Passed with a 950/1000 Finished with 15minutes to go…
Security testlet was there-passed 100%-This was a tough one…Know Local Login-username/password-default privilege etc, console security, SSH/Vty security/passwords-know what they look like in the running config with and w/out the setup. Moving between the screens can be a little tricky if you rush-make sure you are on the correct screen (i.e router or switch)…study what I mentioned and take your time. I did not choose Banner Message as a problem…if you know the aforementioned topics, you will recognize other more pertinent issues.
The 60% ping question: “Why was the 1st ping only 60%?” Went with the ARP answer-not routing table query…I think that was right?
The WAN question: PSTN-Circuit switched, ATM-Cell Switched, FRAME RELAY-Packet Switched
LEASED LINE-Point to Point
Know how packets are routed (i.e what does a router do with a packet etc.)
Wireless -authentication for access points?- some of the options: TKIP, PSK, AES
The DORA question- Discover, Offer, Request, Acknowledgment
Why was a gateway added to the new swiitch? Remote management was not an option- went with something like so host A can access the console- not too sure….
Sims and questions very close to what is on this site and other dumps etc. with some exact although there are a few matching questions not on this site -going blank on those right now- sorry…Define Stuff like Collaboration, Database, DNS, ARP, Email, WebBrowser, SQL.
TFTP/Flash/Running config etc.commands matching question was there….
Got the Implentation Sim …sh cdp neighbors detail covers that thoroughly…no need to sh running config
And the Configuration Sim Show running/startup disabled….
sh ip interfaces was used…
know what an Ethernet Crossover Cable looks like, know the wiring order: 2-6 3-1 1-3 6-2
No SDM- In case anyone ever wonders…Sorry, wasn’t sure about that prior π
Studied LAMMLE CCNA 6th ed with SYBEX test engine., CCENT Exam Cram, VCE’s Ariel and the CCENT 246, Robbie 360, TK, CBT Nuggets, Packet Tracer, Home Router/Switch Lab etc. I jumped ahead into ICND2/CCNA territory…KNOW SUBNETTING, count by blocks 8, 16, 64 etc. Use the Dumps to reinforce what you know and for research. Don’t count on the questions being exactly the same….Yes, I mentioned before that you will get some that are exact but it is best to know why this or that is right or wrong in case you get a curve thrown at you!
WHEW! ok, that’s all for now!ICD2/CCNA is NEXT! Thanks 9TUT!
hey, CLI_KID, seems like we had the same version! But you seem to have a better memory. I wasn’t remembering too much. I wish someone who took before 28th feb, did give the same information as you did. And of course you checked this site and maybe read about my review, and input ?
Anyways, congrats! everyone! Lsten to CLI_Kid, and you will score above 900!!!
Thanks for your informative post THE_CLI_KID.
this site is off the hook and am just amazed at how helpful and willing to help you are, i cleared my ICND1 yesterday(850/1000), was nervous and anxious. just like IOS_maze says go through every material on this site and just relax in the exam, know your subnetting. SubNetzi your table really made my work easy had alot of time left after finishing great innovation. bigups to 9tut and all you guys. all the best
Passed with 825 – failed last month with 725 – a pass is a pass for me let me tell you! I can only echo what CLI KID says, although I did choose banner message on the security question on both switch AND router – also check the vty login on that question. Know subnetting, it REALLY clicked for me using the method as posted by Lord Flasheart in the subnetting made easy thread on tech CCENT forums:
write out your 16’s and count in blocks (be careful with the networks inbetween though!), write your table out on the wipe clean board before you start, it helps so much to just be able to look at the mask and see the increment quickly I can’t tell you!
I used CBT nuggets videos, Cisco Press ICND1 book (wendal odom) CCENT Exam Cram by Michael Valentine and Andrew Whitaker (really very good, odom’s book is a little TOO detailed in places, the exam cram book is weighted just right I think – plus you get a nifty and very useful tear out cram sheet with loads of god stuff you can memorize right before you go in), as well as Boson Net Sim-Ex and the ICND1 and 2 pack from – this is really really good for the command memorizer, which is worth the cost alone.
Of the dumps, only Cisco CertKey 640-822 v2011-01-15 by CCENT 246q.vce seemed worth it – LOTS of questions on exam from this
Had the implementation sim 2 from 9tut. as well as the show configuration sim also – but the key thing is use these as a springboard to understand the process, don’t just try and get by on learning by repitition and ‘parrot fashion’ as the actual questions will differ, as well as some of the answers, so know your stuff.
Thanks – now to get straight onto ICND2 π
correction I had the implementation sim, not implementation sim 2
What type of PPP questions are on the CCENT, that are not covered by tut9?
I have not seen a PPP question, certainly wasn’t one on either of the two 640-822’s I have sat – that’s not to say that they are not ‘out there’ somewhere…lurking!
Hello, and thanks guys for your post. Passed today with 912/1000.
Study material: CBTnuggetsvideo: they are incredibly good(thx jermy!), Cisco Press(as a referance), Cisco packet tracer(amazing), done alot of questions(800+), and checked em up.
What faced me:
-Subnetting, mostly class C.
-Implementation SIM
-Security Testlet
-Show Configuration Sim
-Drag and Drop Question: passwords
-Drag and drop Question2: working with copy command(flash,nvram,tftp)
-Some questions from the hotspot
-This VCE was helpful: Cisco CertKey 640-822 v2011-01-15 by CCENT 246q.vce
-check out WLAN, Frame Relay, Leased Line, ATM, PTSN(?) β> Point-to-Point, Circuit Switch, Cell..etcβ¦ There is a drag and drop with this.
So, bottomline: Know subnetting, do every lab her at 9tut x2, do alot of questions and check up questions you fail to answer. Practice ip basic configuration with Cisco pacet tracer.
Good luck eveyone! Of to ICND2
Thanks for the information Prime. I will take the exam on March 11, hopefully everythings stays the same.
Woo! Passed my ICND1 exam! Thanks 9tut! The labs/dumps were useful!
@ Prime – I also had the PSTN, Packet Switched etc drag and drop
@Anon – well done!
anybody knows the correct ans for the question
WLAN, Frame Relay, Leased Line, ATM, PTSN(?) β> Point-to-Point, Circuit Switch, Cell..etc
This is the answer to the above question
3.Leased Line
4.Frame Relay
A. I-3;II-2;III-1;IV-4
B. I-3;II-2;III-4;IV-1
C. I-3;II-1;III-2;IV-4
D. I-3;II-1;III-4;IV-2
Which item gives the correct relationship between WAN connection technology and the associated
communication link type?
3.Leased Line
4.Frame Relay
A. I-3;II-2;III-1;IV-4
B. I-3;II-2;III-4;IV-1
C. I-3;II-1;III-2;IV-4
D. I-3;II-1;III-4;IV-2
β>this is an answer to the above question Point-to-Point, Circuit Switch, Cell..etc
everybody has gotton this question but noone has provide the correct answer
here is the answer to the question:
Lease line=point to point
PSTN=circuit switch
ATM= cell switch
Frame relay= packet switching
Thanks for the answer
I passed my ICND1 exam today with 950 / 1000
I studied using:
1) CCENT Study Guide by Boson/McGraw Hill
2) CCENT Exam Cram by Michael Valentine
3) Packet Tracer
4) (very important! thanks 9tut :D)
I played around a little bit with VCE exam dumps but like everyone else has already said, they are only useful to test your knowledge and practice. They are not that useful as a learning tool or a method to pass.
Overall the exam was easier than I expected. Best of luck to all.
hi..currently preparing for ICND1, can i know where can i dl all the sims for ICND1 n eventually ICND2?
downloading of packer tracer is from the cisco? thank you ^^
tomorrow icnd1…
hey guys can anyone give me a VCE link with full questions ! I found something but it is not full only 4-5 questions and it tells me to order or register !
you need to perform a registry hack – Google vce registry fix or registry hack
Ahhh… ICND1 Tomorrow…
So I’m guessing top tips are;
– Learn the drag and drop questions
– Security
– Cabling
Do we need to know EIGRP and OSPF processes?
^ I would at least know the administrative distances of routing protocols, also know that ‘less is best’ and remember ‘EOR’
Taking the exam today. Gooluck on me. I will let you know guyz about the questions i encountered. Hopefully, I can remember them all.
Passed the exam with score of 950..Implementation Sim was in there, so was the drag and drop..used dumps by Ariel..So many questions are in there..subnetting with class c only…some new questions about wireless as well…the testlet for the router and switch was there..on to the second part.
Did anyone who took the ccent exam had to do any configuration on a router or switch or just show commands?
Passed ICND1 using Ariel VCE & 9tut and reading Cisco Press ICND1.
Same sims on exam found here. 90 min. with 50 questions. Got tight on time
and given sim in last 10min plus 2 class b questions among last 4 ques. Moving on to ICND2. Thanks 9tut!
Thanks for the chart and will try your method.
I use similar method but yours made sense and I will try it!
Just a comment about VCE. I use them however I use the exam editor and answer and research the questions and add comments using exam editor. It takes time but allows you to read and understand concept and fundamentals. I use Cisco Press ICND books and Lammle’s CCNA. VCE by Mashti is an example of VCE that he researched and answered questions. While this method may not be for 100% of study it can be very good to use as a study aid. 9tut Sims were on ICND1 exam and 9tut sims very useful. I also watch Nuggets videos and practice while following Nuggets video using Packet Tracer by stopping video and setting up Nuggets Sims. This is important as you will be asked to do sims with switches and router and sh run is disabled. Know your sub netting including class B & class c to answer quickly and not working out the long boolen or long math. You need the time spent on other questions and not take too much time on subnet.
Congrats Aaron
Hi guys,
Took ICND1 today and passed with 975/1000 π
First of all tnx to 9tut! Had 2 sims on the exam, both are on here.
I also has the ‘mysterious’ security testlet, it gives you the router and switch as shown in the testlet on the site.
Both on Router and Switch the banner had ‘an inappropriate message’.
On one of both there was the ciscouser password 0 cisco command, this is not secure.. π
Long story short, understand the concepts, take your time to read the question and be calm and self-assured and you’ll pass π
What I used to prepare myself:
CBT Nuggets
Cisco Press release
Packet tracer
Subnetting practise
Subnetting practise
Subnetting practise
i just go for registartion of ICND1 in karachi ( CAMS ) but they say that there is a change in the CISCO policy …!! i didnt understand why …!! they are saying you can registered after 1 week …!! inform me plz what is this .. i prepared all ..!! and now …. :! π
Hey everyone,
I passed my ICND 1 today – Big thank you to everyone on here for their input and the SIMs!
For those that are interested in the questions:
Security testlet – This was exactly as decribed above.
The implemenatation Sim
The show configuration SIM – Questions 1,2,4 and 5. In Q4 the subnet was /29 and in Q5 the FA0/1 was administratively down not the Serial Interface.
Drag & Drops include Q1 from both sections on here, DHCP:DORA, the PSTN-Frame Relay-Leased Line-ATM one and a new one that I had not seen although others may have. It was something like this:
*RIP *A PC with IP address must access the Internet
*ARP *Only routers and servers require static IP addresses, Easy IP admin required
*NAT *A PC knows a server only as Mediaserver// but requires an IP address
*DNS *A protocol is needed to replace current static routes with auto route updates
Study materials used:
Trainsignal, CBT Nuggets and of course here π
Hope that helps, thanks again everyone.
Now on to ICND2!
*RIP *A PC with IP address must access the Internet
*ARP *Only routers and servers require static IP addresses, Easy IP admin required
*NAT *A PC knows a server only as Mediaserver// but requires an IP address
*DNS *A protocol is needed to replace current static routes with auto route updates
Yes I had this one too
Hey all,
Just passed today.
I also had that security question. Both the question about the router and the switch included the “inappropriate banner” but I didn’t select that for either. Both banners are the same so if you pick it for one it makes sense it would have to be picked for the other (and visa versa if you don’t pick it). It says “Welcome” but it also says to “contact you network administrator”, so I’m not sure of the answer but since “anonymous” up top got a 975/1000, maybe its a good choice.
Also on there were drag n drops for DHCP, saving/backup config files, pstn-fame relay-leased line-atm, the cdp neighbor (choose router and interface), password setting commands, the one about collaboration-email-telnet-dns
Plenty of questions from this site and from the ariel VCE. I studied from cisco press and then practiced with this site and vce. Worked for me. Just know your stuff so you feel confident.
Hope this helps.
Great site
Thanks everyone.
hey guys can anybody send me a link for VCE hack because my VCE gotta only 5 questions ! I wanna test my knowledge because I will take my exam for 2 week !
Type me a link pls !
RIP *A PC with IP address must access the Internet
*ARP *Only routers and servers require static IP addresses, Easy IP admin required
*NAT *A PC knows a server only as Mediaserver// but requires an IP address
*DNS *A protocol is needed to replace current static routes with auto route updates
I took the test and passed today 812. The above question was on the test. 80 % of the questions are here but you have to know subnetting in and out. also, you have to know the the show commands on the router and switch and what to look for. advice anyone download packet tracker or buy two routers and switch for practice. The test is easy but configuration and subnetting a must.
passed today 812 .what is 16 bits :class A class B class C. i put class B think i am right.
Passed the ICND1 test today with a 874.
Study materials used:
CBT Nuggets *Highly recommend*
Cisco Press ICND1
Transcender ICND1
OJT <–On the job training (9years)
Due to new work requirements, I had to take this certification to be in compliance with the industry standards for a vendor cert. Luckily for me, I already had nine years experience in the "networking" environment. A lot of the material covered under the CCENT ICND1 track teaches you the front end of networking. Even with nine years of experience, I thought I knew a lot but I actually learned a whole lot more from studying this information. This cert is great to have as it shows your competence in networking. Study hard! Study smart! and have fun! Good luck to all you out there seeking this certification!
Wow, I’m surprised you passed if you were unsure what class a 16 bit mask was…..
Congratulations though.
it’s was only 1 question and most likely its class B. 32 BITS in totals. . i got nervous on this test lol. I master the others. Testking and actualtest have 80% of the questions. anyone taken this test has to know how to configure a router and know subnet. know all the show commands and what to look for. people who failed doesn’t study this site. both of the sims i got on my test was on site and i still didn’t got all the answers right. Everyone gets nervous and failed lol @ the test center. 20 minutes left when i finish. next week i would post the questions i remember on the test . thanks to everyone here and good luck. π
can SubNetzi or anyone help in this subnet table, what i left now is know how to do the subnet which i am really lousy when it comes to maths..
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
128 192 224 240 248 252 254 255
/1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 <1
/9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 <2
/17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 <3
/25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31 /32 <4
subnetting made easy:
you have this IP:
you get the subnet number:
INCREMENT (decimal)
what is the increment? you take the last value that is not 0 (in this case it’s 224) and you substract it from 256.
265 – 224 = 32. you will have subnets that reside in multiples of 32: and so on…
our IP is from the subnetwork (first assigable IP is, last assignable IP is, broadcast address is
i’ve learnt the above method from TESTOUT.
INCREMENT (binary)
you have the IP of
you get the CIDR (the one that has slash in it, example: /20) address of /17
always remember: 1 byte = 8 bits, also 1 byte = 255!
the subnet is 17 = 8+8+1, the decimal format would be
i may not be the best at it, sorry, but this is the way i do it and it takes me less than 10 seconds to get the CIDR/decimal format and the increment. hope it helps π
Passed ICND1 with 962 today. Thanks 9tut
i’ve read my earlier posts, so many mistakes there… sorry about that π
256 β 224 = 32. you will have subnets that reside in multiples of 32: and so onβ¦
our IP is from the subnetwork (first assigable IP is, last assignable IP is, broadcast address is
passed at 10 am today.
Had security SIM and second implemenation sim.
Security had bad banners on both, no login on the telnet of one. Forgot the last answer.
Second Implementation SIM had Different IP’s but show cdp neighbor details gave all information needed.
I had a drag and drop on DHCP, WAN Protocols(ATM, Cell Switchting ETC), Configuration( which command sets encrypted password, enable secret, etc) and one on EMail, DNS, Collaboration and SQL. I also had the drag and drop on Copying/backing up configurations.
Their were no tricky subnetting questions etc, all straight forward /24 and above. FInished test in 27 minutes, got a 967. Its not bad. I had already went through CCNA Discovery path during college, watched CBNT nuggets and labbed up these sims in GNS 3. Was probably overkill.
The test is a basic overview of subnetting, routing and switching. Nothing needed configured, nothing need seriously tested. No long winded questions like on MCITP tests.
passed today. want to thank this forum for exceptional help. All sims i got were from on here and many questions from Ariel VCE.
tips – practice subnetting. learn concepts. the questions/values are changed a little bit and thats where concepts come handy.
used cisco icnd1 official guide, ariel vce and 9 tut for study material.
thanks again.
ok..passed few days ago, all i can say is follow this website + ur other method of studying is sure pass π i was lucky that those subnetting question which appear in my exam r a few questions and r in the dump which i work on π few new questions n 1 new drag n drop for me which is about SNMP, FTP, TFTP something then u need to match the description to each term on the right, but those should not pose a threat. n as few previous post, the security questions appear, i am sure the banner is not the correct ans, as i score 100% in security section n i did not choose the banner option. And 1 of the option is unencrypted something..that is also not the correct ans, if u look carefully at the running config of the router A/ switch A. Off to ICND2 ^^