Home > OSPF Sim


June 23rd, 2018 in LabSim Go to comments


9tut.net company has decided to network three locations to improve efficiency in inventory control. The routers have been named to reflect the location: Boston, Frankfurt, Lancaster.


The necessary networking has been completed at each location, and the routers have been configured with single area OSPF as the routing protocol. The Boston router was recently installed but connectivity is not complete because of incomplete routing tables. Identify and correct any problem you see in the configuration.

Note: The OSPF process must be configured to allow interfaces in specific subnets to participate in the routing process.

You can download this lab and open with Packet Tracer here: https://www.9tut.net/download/OSPF_Sim_with_Solution.zip. Please say thanks to Renan who shared the files with us!

Answer and Explanation:

The question mentioned Boston router was not configured correctly or incomplete so we should check this router first. Click on PC-B to access the command line interface (CLI) of Boston router.


Boston>enable (type cisco as its password here)

Boston#show running-config



First, remember that the current OSPF Process ID is 2 because we will need it for later configuration. Next notice that in the second “network” command the network and wildcard mask are and which is equivalent to in term of subnet mask. Therefore this subnetwork’s range is from to but the ip address of s0/0 interface of Boston router is which don’t belong to this range -> this is the reason why OSPF did not recognize s0 interface of Boston router as a part of area 0. So we need to find a subnetwork that s0 interface belongs to.

IP address of S0 interface:

Subnet mask: /30 = 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1100

Increment: 4

Network address (which IP address of s0 interface belongs to): (because 4 * 1 = 4 < 5)

Therefore we must use this network instead of network

Boston#configure terminal

Boston(config)#router ospf 2

Boston(config-router)#no network area 0

Boston(config-router)#network area 0


Boston#copy running-config startup-config

Finally, you should issue a ping command from Boston router to Lancaster router to make sure it works well.


Other lab-sims in ICND2 Exam:

ICND 2 – Nat Sim Question

VTP SIM (on 9tut.com)

EIGRP Lab sim (on 9tut.com)


Other lab-sims might appear in the real ICND 2 exam, read and understand them if you have enough time.

Comment pages
  1. LuizDias
    September 28th, 2012

    I have the OSPF lab sim.

  2. thesixth
    October 29th, 2012

    greetings. send me ospf lab sim pls, eigrp, acl and vtp


  3. Carol
    October 31st, 2012

    Hi guys I do appriciate all the data I have just gain for just going through all your comment

  4. creative me
    November 3rd, 2012

    hi Ally_Makongo & jitin, whoever is having the sim.

    I created the sim . i got the sh run in frankfurt :
    router ospf 2
    network area 0
    network area 0
    network area 0
    lancaster :router ospf 2
    network area 0
    network area 0
    !and boston as well. BUT i dont know y am not able to ping it 🙁 Feeling very frustrated.

    Can anyone send me a stimulated Lab of this OSPF and if u have for NAT sim as well ( In the NAT Lab, i was unable to ping 🙁 .. ) …
    its urgent – Thanks a lot – My email id is creativeme777@yahoo.com.au


  5. Shannon
    November 10th, 2012

    Hi, Can I have a copy of the OSPF sim??

  6. Nav
    November 11th, 2012

    Hi, should the command be

    network area 0

    instead of

    network area 0

    as the .4 is the network address ?

  7. Nav
    November 11th, 2012

    Nav, sorry I mean why can’t

    network area 0

    be used. It does fall into the range of the subnite –

  8. Tovhe
    November 14th, 2012

    I passed mi INCD2 today with 902 – OSPF was not in, only VLAN & FRAME-REALLY

  9. Tayyeb
    November 26th, 2012

    I want ospf lab simulator. Kindly send on my email tayyeb.88@live.com

  10. Paul
    November 26th, 2012

    Does anyone know which labs come up on the icnd2 exam?

  11. Anonymous
    November 28th, 2012

    It’s random Paul. Just make sure you’re familiar with the basics of how to configure the ones listed on ehre and you’ll be fine. At CCNA level you don’t really have much to configure.

  12. Avp
    November 29th, 2012

    Can you send me please the OSPF sim to my email avp144 at yahoo.com?

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

  13. Larry
    December 2nd, 2012

    Hi everybody,

    is there anyone so kind to send me over the .pkt file for this OSPF Sim lab?

    Here my email address: flen77@libero.it

    Thanks in advance to all and good luck for whom, like me, is preparing ICND2! 🙂

  14. jibs
    December 16th, 2012

    I made the lab, it doesn’t take long to make, maybe 15 minutes. Making it also gave me a greater understand of the situation. I suggest you do the same. Just don’t forget to set the clock rate on the serial links to bring them up. I stumbled on this for a little.

  15. firstmode
    January 3rd, 2013

    I take my ICND 2 tomorrow at 6:15pm! I will let you guys know what SIMs I run into!

  16. Lumious
    January 6th, 2013

    Any update on what SIMS you’ve gotten people?

  17. Lumious
    January 6th, 2013

    Anyone have any information on the FRAME RELAY SIM that everyone is talking about that is on the exam?

  18. juju
    January 13th, 2013

    sim labs and packet trace could be sent to jufabre@yahoo.com thx !

  19. Frank
    January 25th, 2013

    Anyone know if this sim could be on the icnd1?

  20. AJ
    February 1st, 2013

    I took the ICND2 on Saturday and this SIM was there. If you guys follow 9tut, you’ll be fine. BTW I passed with 888 points

  21. Binay Randhawa
    February 12th, 2013

    I have my exam tomorrow and I was wondering if someone could send me the labsim for the OSPF please!!!!!



  22. Sista M
    February 13th, 2013

    Hi Binary; how did itgowithyo exam. which sim lab you gotin theexam?

  23. Sista M
    February 13th, 2013

    Sorry Binay, i spelled yo name wrong. Im preparing to take mine next week friday.

  24. Gabiel
    February 21st, 2013

    me too, please ciulhycutza@yahoo.it

  25. Babu
    February 23rd, 2013

    I have my exam this sunday and I was wondering if someone could send me the labsim for the Frame relay and OSPF please!, I would apreciate if I could get more advise on the topic gsureshbabu@acanac.net


  26. Babu
    February 23rd, 2013

    I have my exam this sunday and I was wondering if someone could send me the labsim for the Frame relay and OSPF please!, I would apreciate if I could get more advise on the topic. Pls forgive the mistake in mail Id in the last comment gsureshbabu2000@acanac.net


  27. Anonymous
    February 23rd, 2013

    Hi friends,I need some information about ccda .actually i have passed my ccnet exam now i am interested in ccda instead of icnd 2 so is that possible ?or i will pass anathor ccnet exam for ccda?Please help me.

  28. Rasronn
    February 23rd, 2013

    Hey IT people. Jus passed my exam yest Feb 22. I had The VTP sim with the admin_2 switch config and the Frame Relay hotspot with the multinational branches. There were about 4 IPV6 questions including “which ipv6 address is the all-router multicast group”. Plenty of switch vlan questions but all the questions I have seen here. THANKS 9tut

  29. Waltini
    February 23rd, 2013

    Rasronn where is the frame relay hotspot sim at on this site? thanks for the good info!

  30. Rasronn
    February 23rd, 2013

    waltini – Its under ccna questions. For some reason the majority of ICND2 exam questions are from the 9tut ccna site.

  31. StudyMan
    February 25th, 2013

    I really don’t understand why people are asking for dumps and sims. Can you people not use google and it takes about 15 mins to create this sim, If you cant create it, you should not pass test.

  32. Fleshwound
    March 5th, 2013

    I agree StudyMan. I made it on Packet Tracer.

  33. Joe
    March 9th, 2013

    Please. Can you send me all the Labs for packet tracer? Thanks and greats from Germany. Joerg > hp4k_soca(at)gmx.de

  34. Felix
    March 12th, 2013

    Hi. Could someone please send me the OSPF-SIM for Packet-Tracer? (If you have NAT, VTP and EIGRP Lab Sims, it’ll be awesome to have, too. 😉 )

  35. Anonymous
    March 13th, 2013

    It’s barely worth the time to make. Boston router has the wrong /30 network advertised in ospf. It takes 15 mins to create the lab, and then 90 seconds to correct it. I wouldn’t worry too much about have a pkt file for it. It’s not complicated enough to be worth your time IMO

  36. roy
    March 16th, 2013

    I am giving the exam on next week. Could anyone tells me ,how to study? Only acl, vtp and eigrp simulations were coming in the paper ? Give me some tips to crack ccna?

  37. s vipin das
    March 28th, 2013

    could someone please send me the OSPF & NAT & VTP & EIGRP LABS SIM?

  38. Saeed
    April 4th, 2013

    please to send me the packet tracer labs

    Thanks in advance

  39. asif
    April 5th, 2013

    could anyone please give me the link of FRame Relay sim, i would be thankful to you.

  40. asif
    April 5th, 2013

    I am going to take ICND2 do I have to practice all the sim for CCNA?

  41. Rico
    April 9th, 2013

    I can send you the OSPF one… Does it helps?

  42. Bav
    April 11th, 2013

    Just found this site today! Very useful thanks. =

    April 23rd, 2013


    Interface Boston S0 and Frankfurt S1 are on the subnet that goes from to, they have the correct ip addresses that belong to hosts on that subnet


    Interface Frankfurt S0 and Lancaster S0 are on the subnet that goes from to , they have the correct ip addresses that belong to hosts on that subnet too

    in the answer, the network changes to because that’s the network that contains the addresses of Boston S0 and Frankfurt S1 and that makes the connection to be correct!

  44. Ruths
    April 25th, 2013

    Please can anyone tell me if they have any questions on IPV6?

  45. bonz
    April 28th, 2013

    Thx@ Marioniyo i see it now

  46. bonz
    April 28th, 2013

    Thx@ Marioniyo i see it now

  47. icnd2
    April 30th, 2013

    tried emulating this lab on packet tracer if you use the area 0 statement it converges with the rest of the area but maybe im wrong not really up to speed with ospf :))

  48. Anonymous
    May 5th, 2013

    yes YOU ARE right. I did this morning

  49. rye
    May 19th, 2013

    anyone can you please send pkt lab sim.

  50. Andrew
    May 28th, 2013

    The answer for the wild mask for the second correct answer is wrong the wild card mask should be since we are using the block size of 4 and it increments to 8 the block size is always one less than the actual block size and s0 ip address of .5 falls in between. Please some one correct me if I’m wrong I would appreciate it

  51. kaos
    June 1st, 2013

    @Andrew. The mask is one less than the block size, you’re correct there. The block size for that area is still only 4 though, from 4 to 7. That’s why the mask is The network is, so the mask difference is

  52. S
    June 20th, 2013

    Did not have this SIM yesterday.

  53. itwebbd
    June 25th, 2013

    Can anyone send me the PKT lab sim

  54. NeedHelp2680
    July 11th, 2013

    Can someone please email this PKT lab sim to me?? viper911ad@yahoo.com THANK YOU!

  55. ospf Lab for PACKET TRACER
    July 12th, 2013

    Can anyone please send me ospf Lab?


  56. Ricky Bobby
    July 18th, 2013

    I’ve just practiced making this as a Packet Tracer Sim. Uploaded it here for anyone who would like to use it: http://www.filefactory.com/file/57dzfh06d041/n/OSPF.pkt

  57. Ricky Bobby
    July 18th, 2013

    I neglected to mention that all passwords on the Sim I uploaded are cisco.

  58. Rico
    July 20th, 2013

    Hi guys I’m building one here… I can send you if you want.:P

  59. NeedHelp2680
    July 23rd, 2013

    Rico….Can you please send it to me?? My email address is viper911ad@yahoo.com THANK YOU

  60. NeedHelp2680
    July 23rd, 2013

    Ricky Bobby – I can’t download from that link. I even tried signing up for an account. Can you please email it to me at viper911ad@yahoo.com OR ANYONE ESLE FOR THAT MATTER. THANK YOU

  61. jordans cheap
    July 24th, 2013

    Spot on with this write-up, I truly feel this internet site wants a lot more consideration. I’ll almost certainly be again to read much more, thanks for that information. jordans cheap http://jordanscheapmmi.kouaa-blog.com/

  62. rayray
    August 6th, 2013


  63. Anon
    August 7th, 2013

    Don’t be silly guys: examcollection.com

    Updated dumps are posted there, all the time.

  64. Jeff
    August 10th, 2013

    Can one send me the PKT practice for this? test is in a week!


  65. I Past today 23 may
    August 11th, 2013

    why they use the adress ??? if the increment is 4 !!! i mean is a network adress!!! why they dont use that is one ip adress??? please somebody answer my question !! thanks!

  66. ram
    August 11th, 2013

    why they use the adress ??? if the increment is 4 !!! i mean is a network adress!!! why they dont use that is one ip adress??? please somebody answer my question !! thanks!

  67. Slothar
    August 12th, 2013

    @ ram – The only thing they use the address is in the network statement. All that does is identify what interfaces are to be included in the OSPF process. is the network address of the subnet that S0 is part of. The original network statement included addresses in the range of .155.0 through .155.3 which does not correctly identify S0 since it is in the .155.4 through .155.7 range (subnet).

  68. Brian Vess
    August 13th, 2013

    Can someone send me the packet tracer lab for this?


  69. fabian
    August 14th, 2013

    we can also write the OSPF network statement like this:

    network area 0 (This will tells the router to look for an exact match, an all 0s wild card tells the router to make an exactly match on the IP configured on the fast port- this may be easier than having to worry about match)

    Also since both interfaces are in the same area, area 0 we can write the OSPF network like this:

    network area 0 <–this says to match all interfaces in the router and add them to area 0. This is a much easier way in my opinion because it basically says router add all of my interfaces to area 0 in 1 statement…instead of having to write 2 lines..but this only works if the interfaces are in the same area..they must be in same area in order to work.

  70. Slothar
    August 21st, 2013

    @ Fabian. Not sure if I would get in the habit of including all interfaces. You lose a lot of the fine tuning abilities of OSPF and I’m not sure how this would go over on the exam. Cisco is rather particular when it comes to how they want things done.

  71. Anonymous
    August 24th, 2013

    I got this sim on my exam today. makre sure you study this hard.. looks like almost everyone is getting this.

  72. Ed
    August 28th, 2013

    Grateful if anyone could kindly forward me a copy of this sim please.

  73. Sameer
    August 31st, 2013
  74. Brutos
    September 1st, 2013

    31/08 Passed cant remember if any these came on the exam but this site is still very Valid.

  75. Ryan
    September 3rd, 2013

    Passed my CCNA study hard! 9tut and CCNA_Study_Guide7 its help a lot.

  76. Thyreme
    September 10th, 2013

    Is there any IPv6 question that we can face on the test. I didn’t see any posting in here about that.

  77. Soon2bCCNA
    September 16th, 2013

    Guys, all I did was use Packet Tracers, load 3 x Custom Made 1841’s connected them with serial cables and configured as per above and configured them from scratch. I also connected 3 x switches to each router Fa0/0 interface and configured their VLAN 1 in the LAN range and configured the OSPF as per above (and I added loopback IP and router ID on each router to really get a grip of it all) made sure OSPF adjacency occurred and pinged from Switch I connected to Boston to the Switch I connected at Lancaster. Learned the whole process in 1 go. Really fun stuff.

  78. Dupacteli
    September 20th, 2013

    Please Guys send me the PK of this lab if someone have it.

  79. gnet
    September 21st, 2013

    Can someone send me the correct OSPF sim for this? need to practice this one.. will have my exam 3 days from now (640-802 CCNA).. and also any tips for those who taken the exam already? thanks much!! blue000111@yahoo.com

  80. Willy
    September 24th, 2013

    Does anyone have the packet tracer lab for this sim?It would be a great help if you can send it to me at willyjra@yahoo.com or just post the link here on 9tut.Thanks in advance.

  81. Django
    September 26th, 2013

    Build it in PKT .. You will learn it better

  82. russ
    October 27th, 2013

    what if i use wr to save the configuration instead of copy running-config startup-config, is there something wrong or issue with that?

  83. st_ve33
    December 18th, 2013

    Can anyone send me PKT Lab sim?



  84. st_ve33
    December 18th, 2013

    Can anyone please send me this OSPF Lab sim?



  85. John
    January 10th, 2014

    Instead of using a simulator, I built my own CCNA lab with 3 routers and 3 switches like this exam scenario question based on some suggestions here http://www.certificationkits.com/cisco-lab-suggestions/ I feel it helped me not just memorize answers, but actually understand how to properly configure OSPF in the real world.

  86. Karthik
    January 22nd, 2014

    good 1

  87. Donathien Lagloire
    February 1st, 2014

    it ‘s good

  88. fuad
    February 8th, 2014

    hi, im taking the icnd2 the week coming up and i was wondering if anybody can send me the lab sims if not already on here. it’ll be great help! dominicang2123@aim.com

  89. Rudey
    February 21st, 2014

    pls would someone be so kind as to send me the the pkt sim labs for OSPF, EIGRP and any others that may be out there for ICND2.


    Thanks in advance.

  90. Tim
    March 12th, 2014

    Why can’t ylu just use IP address with a wildcard Isn’t this supposed to be a Cisco best practice

  91. Ciscoita
    March 28th, 2014

    Anyone still getting this lab in the EXAM ICND 2 ?? Thanks guys i would really appreciate it if you tell me.

  92. NetworkPro
    April 2nd, 2014

    Taking ICND2 200-101 tomorrow to try and rap up my CCNA! Here we go!

  93. Justin
    April 16th, 2014

    Has anyone seen any variations of this sim?

    Simply find the subnet the serial interface belongs to and ping? And possibly verify route table is updated?

  94. Justin
    April 21st, 2014

    Can anyone confirm that this is the only configuration SIM on the ICND2 (200-101)?

    Popular SIMs seem to be EIGRP, OSPF and Frame-Relay. NAT and VTP SIMs seem to be eliminated on the 200-101.

    Taking the test in a few days or early next week to renew my CCNA so all the input is greatly appreciated! I’ll be posting an update when I finish mine

  95. kamani
    April 27th, 2014

    would you be able to send the OSPF packet tracer url to upload for CCNA 100-101 exam.

  96. Justin Reply Please
    May 7th, 2014

    Can anyone who took exam lafter sept 30 answer Justin’s question please (1 post above kamani’s one) OSPF config lab sim still in the 200-101 version? or is there a just answer one with show comands…???

  97. Justin Reply Please
    May 8th, 2014

    And were can I find the new OSPF lab^^

  98. Helper
    May 28th, 2014

    Hi, just curious, I see loads of people asking for the .pkt file for this ospf sim, can some please just post it on this site 🙂

  99. Bambi
    June 7th, 2014

    Alright everyone, just passed today with a 933! The Hush dump is pretty accurate along with the questions on this site. Memorize these like the back of your hand so you can spend your brain power on the labs.

    On one of the above labs, someone mentioned that they changed one of the answers to the PPP as the issue (may have been the 6 router one from what I recall). This seems to be true. I eliminated all the answers except for that one. If you get nervous on tests, it is important to really think about what interface you are looking at for each router and eliminate the multiple choice answers one by one.

    Study the hush dump like crazy, and the labs even more so by setting up a packet tracker environment similar to the three labs on the test (OSPF, security simlet and the show lab).

    Good luck!!

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