Home > ICND2 – EIGRP Troubleshooting Simulator

ICND2 – EIGRP Troubleshooting Simulator

October 16th, 2014 in Premium Zone Go to comments

You can try the EIGRP Troubleshooting Simulator here:

+ EIGRP Troubleshooting Simulator

and read the explanation here.

Note: There is another version of this sim in which the answer for the question “A user on R1 wants to send data to R5. Which path are the packets sent?” is “The traffic is equally load-balanced over R2 and R3”. Therefore please check the “show ip route” output carefully to see if there are more than one route to the destination.
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  1. Brook
    November 7th, 2014

    Does anybody know if this sim works? I can’t access the routers???

  2. king nigel
    November 16th, 2014

    @ brook ..Yep working fine for me on PC and Mac

  3. Brook
    November 18th, 2014

    Thanks got it now, being at bit thick!!

  4. Samuel III
    December 7th, 2014

    Passed yesterday, 12/6/14, 973 / 1000

    LISTEN UP!!!!! I can’t stress the importance of NOT memorizing answers, but understanding the material. This sim ate my lunch! Not because I didnt understand the material, BUT because I wanted to answer the questions in the manner I remembered the choices being… AND IM GLAD I DIDNT.

    The questions and answer choices were the same. What was different was Cisco’s configurations. So in return, that made the answer choices totally different for every question in this sim. I for one, can’t stress that its important to know your “SH” commands, and knowing them thoroughly.

    I distinctly remember one of the questions being about why a Loopback wont ping another, on a different router. After running show ip int brief command, which this sim doesn’t allow you to do, it should the Loopbacks ADMINISTRATIVELY shut down. That was the answer, but in this sim, i think the answer was AS numbers being different or network command not being present, or something of that nature.

    Long story short, be READY for the bamboozle and you’ll be fine.

  5. Clinton Sequerah-Salmon
    December 29th, 2014

    QPing Question=Command ? Which command shows missing network statent?

    QPath R1-R5=
    “show run” from R5 =(Lo highest loopback address)

    Q”Show ip route” from R1 = D via s1/3 (s1/3 is connected to R2)
    no eigrp neighbor relationship between R6 and R1.=?

    QLoopback int on R4 not appearing in Rout Table of R5=”Show Ip protocols” First line has AS number; ie “routing protocol is EIGRP 2” (2 IS THE A.S. Number)

    I’m drawing blanks today. Please complete my emties somone. you think you know it and then……

  6. Clinton Sequerah-Salmon
    December 29th, 2014

    having another look and using the scroll bar beside the sim(not seen before) my missing answers i believe are “show running-config ” to view the eigrp network statements which dont show the two ip addresses as mentioned above.

  7. Roger that!
    December 29th, 2014

    QPing- Do ‘sh run’ on R1, you’ll notice a missing network stmt for the only loopback interface on R1.

    Check R5 as well to see the difference.

  8. Roger that!
    December 29th, 2014

    QPath R1-R5

    There’re 2 ways to solve this, both using ‘sh ip rou’ command on R1 but the easier option is just to look at the outgoing interface for R5’s loopback interfaces ( &, both via serial1/3 which connects to R2.

  9. Roger that!
    December 29th, 2014

    QPath R1 – R5

    That’s why ‘traffic goes through R2’ is the right answer.

  10. Roger that!
    December 29th, 2014

    R4 is the only router in the network with ASN 2… glad you found the problem!

  11. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2014

    Awsome feedback RogerThat!. Thanks.

  12. Clinton Sequerah-Salmon
    December 29th, 2014

    Awsome feedback Roger that!. Thanks.

  13. Techgique
    February 16th, 2015

    I can totally see the missing statement using show run for the ping question so I’m assuming that show run is available in the real test? If it is disabled is the another way to check for those missing statements? It seems that show ip protocols makes it look like the networks are there or perhaps I’m looking at it wrong?

  14. Techgique
    February 16th, 2015

    One last thing for the peanut gallery – When I use show ip protocols and see a “P” code, representing passive, that is referring to the protocol and NOT the interface (which could cause failed neighboring) correct?

  15. On the Spot
    March 6th, 2015

    @Techgique, that is correct. The P is a good thing. It does NOT refer to a passive-interface, which would, in fact, be a bad thing.

  16. Alex
    April 4th, 2015

    Learn the fundamentals of this sim and the frame relay. just took the exam. 100 percent on troubleshooting, thanks to the concepts learned here.

    Good luck everyone.


  17. Orla Brian
    April 18th, 2015

    hi, I’m taking the ICND2 exam next week, will I have to configure any routers?.

  18. Rich
    April 22nd, 2015

    Orla Brian, no configs on the exam, just troubleshooting

  19. Rich
    April 22nd, 2015

    Admin, I’m seeing a lot of ppl. saying that RSTP was big on ICND2. Maybe/Maybe Not but IC
    STP/RSTP covered on your CCNA page but not on the ICND2 page.

    Thanks for all your work…May 4 is ICND2 day for me and because of this site I’m totally confident.

  20. Question
    May 6th, 2015

    Hey Rich so how did the test go? Was there a lot of RSTP on the INCD2?

  21. Hucket Outgee
    May 18th, 2015

    Just do it

  22. Shuja
    June 6th, 2015

    Someone please explain this sim with solution

  23. anon
    July 9th, 2015

    how do you see hello and dead timers for eigrp? In case they ask..

  24. Anonymous
    July 10th, 2015

    nice sim, going to do the test this monday, wish me luck!

  25. Compaq
    August 10th, 2015

    Just use
    sh ip pro
    sh ip ro
    and you are good to go for this sim

  26. Matt
    August 13th, 2015

    Q4 – R5 Loopback1 sho int Loopback1 shows that the IP address as (R4’s Loopback 1 address) even though sho run shows Lo1 IP as Obviously a typo as the two cannot co-exist, but misleading considering the answer options.

  27. SaeedKhan
    August 17th, 2015

    I passed yesterday ICND2, I would like to share the problem I faced during the exam. EIGRP simulator comes in my exam but show ip eigrp topology command is not working it gives me error that incomplete command. Do somebody know what is the problem on this command. It was working here in 9tut.

  28. man.in.music
    August 20th, 2015

    In eigrp sim
    use sh ip int br
    show ip interface brief is not wokring
    also in exam you may not be able to use show run

  29. Bradley
    August 26th, 2015

    EIGRP and Frame Relay sims both on test. Scored 907 Study 9tut and pass it. Question on EIGRP sim asked what password required for the mideast router, I chose T1net as it was right below the vty 0 4 line on show run command. On the router user interface the lower case L and number 1 look very similar or same and the answers the number 1 looks more clearly like a 1. Little bit question mark because not the same font. Cisco make number 1 look exactly like lower case L they should make a change.

  30. Bradley
    August 26th, 2015

    use show ip protocol command and find the AS number of the router. R4 was incorrect AS number same as 9tut sim. Remember enable first then use show run
    Frame Relay sim use show frame-relay map and find the DLCI numbers for IP addresses
    use show interface and find default serial encapsulation DHCP

  31. flyingtuvi
    December 6th, 2015

    Am doing my test next Thursday, I found the “sh ip eigrp topology” very useful when it comes to finding the feasible successor route for the sim. This will show you the route and take to get to router5

  32. furmal
    December 18th, 2015

    tomorrow is my test , hoping for the best.

  33. Tatiana
    December 26th, 2015

    Can anyone confirm if VTP, NAT and OSPF SIMS were on the ICND2 exam???

  34. henry
    January 7th, 2016

    Best of luck to everyone completing the ICND2.

    I studied 9tut, CBT Nuggets and Lynda. Practiced exam questions with a VCE sim and utilised 9tut’s EIGRP and Frame-Relay simulator.

    Practicing with VCE simulators allows to keep the information fresh I’ve found. So good luck and study hard.

    Frame-Relay, EIGRP and OSPF sims were in the exam. Frame-Relay and EIGRP required interaction with show commands etc where OSPF only showed the topology with multiple choice questions.

    No VTP, NAT or IPv6 was experienced.

  35. Anonymous
    February 21st, 2016

    cant open the routers

    February 21st, 2016


  37. 9tut
    February 23rd, 2016

    @CISCOTTE: Did you install Flash plugin on your web browser? If your problem still exists, please send an email to support@9tut.net.

  38. Anonymous
    February 24th, 2016

    its working fine to me now. Thanks

  39. Anon
    March 4th, 2016

    why does ‘sh ip ro’ not work on R6 in the sim? It doesn’t show invalid it shows no results.

  40. Woonabega
    March 17th, 2016

    So for the ping question the answer is “The network statement is missing on R1”. I understand why but the answer I chose was “The IP address that is configured on the Lo1 interface on R5 is incorrect.” I chose that answer because if you do a “show int Lo1” on R5 the IP address configured appears to be Can anyone explain why the one I chose was not correct or did I just not choose the best correct answer?

  41. Steve
    March 17th, 2016

    The question which path does R1 take to R5, if you use show ip route, it shows both R2 and R3 are used to get to R5. The answer “The traffic goes through R2”, doesn’t make sense.

  42. Steve
    March 18th, 2016


  43. BCM
    May 12th, 2016

    Passed my ICND2 today with a 933 out of 1000 thanks 9tut. Pay the $9 best money you will ever spend

  44. Anonymous
    May 14th, 2016

    can’t stress the importance of NOT memorizing answers, but understanding the material. This sim ate my lunch!

    OMG SIM ate my lunch is this kid kidding?? Du the CCNA is way dumbed down since last update to Cert. b4 u had to actually configure a router, switch, and ACL on the test. Whats really and truly gonna eat your lunch is when u start sweating your ass off in an interview b/c u cant even connect 1 router to one switch, and only know show commands that’s when the pounds melt off Jr. !!! Follow me?
    meaning? A CCNA today is really just a piece of paper u paper champions!!!

    May 15th, 2016

    Sorry I didn’t noticed that some one actually reply to me! However!

    I have tested/checked IN/OUT from:


    Where a popup that says: ” Flash Player is integrated with Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.
    You do not need to install Flash Player.”

    Any idea will be welcome I can’t not use the Troubleshooting Simulator – PLEASE HELP!!

    Thank you!

    May 20th, 2016

    My bad GOT IT!!!! I have to ” EXPLORE” the EXPLORER [ Microsoft Edge ] which is ” TRICKING” you in WINDOW 10!!!!

    ROUTER are working!!!!

  47. Anonymous
    May 20th, 2016

    On Q which path does traffic take from R1 to R5

    why wouldn’t the answer be that traffic is unequally load balanced between R2 and R3? Instead of going thru R2 only….Anybody know?

  48. Anonymous
    May 24th, 2016

    I think from R1 to R5 would be unequally load balanced R2 has the 192.x.12.0 R3 has the 192.x.13.0. Both R2 and R3 have the eigrp network statement 192.x.123.0 that leads them to R5 which is also networked with the 192.x.123.0 which then will point the traffic to the networks.

  49. Dylan
    May 25th, 2016

    I was just T-Shooting your theory and you are not correct.
    Here is why:
    If you run a “show ip eigrp topology” on R1 it states that you are using R3 as a Feasible Successor and NOT a successor. Also there is not use of a “variance” commmand in the running-config, so that would instantly disprove your theory of unequal-cost load balancing.

  50. anon
    June 26th, 2016

    where are the answers and explanations to this lab???

  51. Mike Mine
    July 8th, 2016

    got a simple questions:
    How is it possible run EIGRP thru those two switches SW1 and SW2 unless those switches are layer 3 switches and IP routing configured?

  52. Anonymous
    August 1st, 2016

    “On Q which path does traffic take from R1 to R5

    why wouldn’t the answer be that traffic is unequally load balanced between R2 and R3? Instead of going thru R2 only….Anybody know?”

    Traffic from R1 to R5 goes through R2 because that is the path shown in the routing table. There is no path to R5 via R3.

    Sh ip route via serial 1/3 via serial 1/3 via serial 1/3

    Networks above are attached to R5. is R2 s2/1 interface and serial 1/3 is R1 outgoing interface.

    “got a simple questions:
    How is it possible run EIGRP thru those two switches SW1 and SW2 unless those switches are layer 3 switches and IP routing configured?”

    I’m guessing because all E/0 ints on R2,R3,R4 and R5 are in the same subnet and I’m also guessing the no auto-summary command is used even though I cant see it.

  53. Anonymous
    August 1st, 2016

    can’t stress the importance of NOT memorizing answers, but understanding the material. This sim ate my lunch!

    OMG SIM ate my lunch is this kid kidding?? Du the CCNA is way dumbed down since last update to Cert. b4 u had to actually configure a router, switch, and ACL on the test. Whats really and truly gonna eat your lunch is when u start sweating your ass off in an interview b/c u cant even connect 1 router to one switch, and only know show commands that’s when the pounds melt off Jr. !!! Follow me?
    meaning? A CCNA today is really just a piece of paper u paper champions!!!

    Calm down dear, but I understand what you are saying, I had to do all you mention above when I first did my CCNA, now I’m following the paper champs and just memorizing the answers given. Its what separates those who know what they are doing and keeps our jobs safe. Its not so bad

  54. suntzuthegod
    August 8th, 2016

    The questions are to be thought of as seperate questions, not really digging deeper than the question asks. For instance, someone said how can the EIGRP route go through the switches when those switches are layer2 switches and not layer3 switches with ip routing enabled.

    The point being, it really doesn’t matter, its just for test taking purposes. Just read what that specific question is asking for and do not think of it logically as in what would happen in a real true network.

    For a real network question in an interview they would say you have to configure it to run across L2 switches or you have L3 switches already set up.

    But this is just a test of basic knowledge of the EIGRP not “connect” or communicating issue. It isn’t to be used as an all encompassing “figure out the complete network including switches, and Ethernet cables along with serial interfaces” Its for EIGRP not static routing, wan connections, vlans, trunk ports, frame relay, etc.

    Also, for anyone taking this test, AGAIN, do not memorize the answers. This should be used strictly for understanding the concepts of HOW THE QUESTION will be asked, not what the question will ask you specifically.

  55. Anonymous
    August 11th, 2016

    How do I get to the EIGRP sim?

  56. Zone
    August 11th, 2016

    I’m taking the ICND2 tomorrow morning.

  57. sam
    August 17th, 2016

    Hi Zone how was your exam ? Are these sim and question valid?

  58. Anonymous
    August 22nd, 2016

    Hi All, I cannot see the config of Router 6?

  59. Anonymous
    August 22nd, 2016

    are there only 2 sims for the ICND2 – is there no RSTP sim?

  60. Greenkknight101
    August 31st, 2016
  61. Anonymous
    September 5th, 2016

    SIM not working for me !!!!

  62. Stonebaboon
    September 10th, 2016

    EIGRP sim is missing the CLI. Questions are there but the buttons for R1-4 and R5-6 missing.

  63. 9tut
    September 11th, 2016

    @Stonebaboon: Please try zooming in or zooming out your web browser.

  64. Stonebaboon
    September 11th, 2016

    Stonebaboon, You were right. I was zoomed in when taking a composite test so I could sit back. Sorry for the false positive.

  65. Nima74
    September 23rd, 2016

    If you use the command: ” sh ip int br” on router 5 then:


    while, the command: “sh int lo1″ on same router shows:

    Internet Address is″

    so the answer which says: ” The IP address that is configured on the Lo1 interface on R5 is incorrect”

    could be correct too!

    Am I right?

  66. stevicus
    September 23rd, 2016

    @Nima74, If you look at show run, the config indicates Good catch, but I would chalk it up to a typo.

  67. Anonymous
    March 16th, 2017

    ! is shutdown
    ! it is advertised in eigrp
    ! the problem is on r5 end

  68. Anonymous
    March 16th, 2017

    I got screwed on the multilink labs today I FAILED because I missed all 4 questions in
    Multilink lab
    so pissed

  69. thehandsomeguy
    April 4th, 2017

    @9tut – I am a premium member, but I cannot see the explanation for this EIGRP Sim (the one that is available for GRE tunnel and OSPF) Can you advise please.

  70. thehandsomeguy
    April 4th, 2017

    ah dont worry got it – its here -https://www.9tut.net/icnd2/icnd2-labsim/eigrp-troubleshooting-sim#more-502

  71. Rooney
    June 30th, 2017

    the sim doesn’t work
    any help please?

  72. 9tut
    July 1st, 2017

    @Rooney: We see it is working normally. Please make sure you have installed latest Flash plugin at: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
    If your problem still exists, please take a screenshot and send to support@9tut.net so that we can identify your problem.

  73. Ragnarok
    July 8th, 2017


    Please FIX the answer of the question (Which path does traffic take from R1 to R5?) in the EIGRP SIM. The answer should be (Traffic goes to through R2) NOT (Traffic goes to through R3). The se1/3 is connected to R3 NOT R2. Check the routing table carefully.


  74. Ragnarok
    July 8th, 2017


    The se1/3 is connected to R2 NOT R3. Check the routing table carefully.


  75. 9tut
    July 12th, 2017

    @Ragnarok: We checked but found no problem. The answer is “traffic goes through R2”.

  76. siamak
    August 1st, 2017

    this sim stil valid ?

  77. Amy
    August 14th, 2017

    Hey can anyone explain question 2s answer?

  78. Mayya Gerrard
    August 24th, 2017

    Hey Amy, they appear randomly, in which question do you have a problem?

  79. DammO
    December 9th, 2017

    Hello 9tut, at the very beginning it says (((Note: This sim is for the new ICND2 200-101 exam only))) …. any chance to update this ?? It would be nice to have the v3 of it.

  80. Anonymous
    December 18th, 2017

    Hello guys,
    Passed 200-105 today with 918, almost all questions from these dumps, 4-5 new questions.
    All three labs from this materials with different questions.
    Eigrp lab included route path question where variance had been used (uneaqually ballanced routes), another router used autosum, so be careful.

    As a truth, I would recommend you to read Oddoms cisco press first, step by step, you won’t pass the exam if you do not understand, how things work. But another point is silly tricky unobvious questions, where 9tut dumps help a lot.

    Thanks 9tut and all you guys, good luck!

  81. BG
    December 22nd, 2017

    Can someone tell me how to obtain access to the router on the sim. They won’t open when I click on them. Thank you.

  82. sks447
    January 24th, 2018

    A little lost with the question “What path does the traffic take from R1 to R5?”

    The answer doesn’t make sense to me.
    I get is connected to Is it that easy? R5 is connected via R2 to R1?
    I know I am over complicating this. Thank you.

  83. sunrise
    March 17th, 2018

    Hi 9tut, I took the icnd2 200-105 and pass with an 834 scores. some of the information here was very helpful to me. However, I got this sim on my test and the question are the same but your answer is wrong. All of them!

  84. sunrise
    March 17th, 2018

    Router R6 does not form an EIGRP neighbor relationship correctly with router R1. What is the cause for this misconfiguration? Under show run, the network command is present but the K values is mismatch. The correct answer is: the K values mismatch. Note: The k value has to do with metric configuration and R1 is missing that configuration.

  85. sunrise
    March 17th, 2018

    Which path does traffic take from R1 to R5? After reviewing the sh ip route command output on R1, I realized that it has two equal cost path with both IP addresses belonging to R2 and R3. The correct Answer is: . The traffic is equally load-balanced over R2 and R3. You can verify this with the sh ip int br command on both R2 and R3.

  86. sunrise
    March 17th, 2018

    Study the following output taken on R1:
    R1#ping source
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Packet sent with a source address of
    . . . . .
    Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

    Why are the pings failing? is an IP address which belong to R5. you can verify this with the sh ip int br command and all the links are up, protocol up so we do not have any layer 2 issues. However, R1 is advertised network in EIGRP. But R5 isn’t advertised network in EIGRP. So the correct answer is The network statement is missing on R5

  87. sunrise
    March 17th, 2018

    The loopback interfaces on R4 with the IP addresses of, and are not appearing in the routing table of R5. Why are the interfaces missing? They are in the same AS but the loopback addresses haven’t been advertised, and the network command is missing on R4. you can verify this with the sh run command on both router.

    The correct answer is: The loopback addresses haven’t been advertised, and the network command is missing on R4.

  88. Husbeard
    April 3rd, 2018

    Do we know if these questions are actually on the exam? A lot of people stating the questions are different, and ask different things, but similar topology.

  89. nicknamer
    April 12th, 2018

    Question 2 has to be K Values. “Show Ip Protocols” shows the K-Values are mismatched.

  90. Anonymous
    April 24th, 2018

    As far as I know these dumps are reliable, I have tried it with my previous exam in ICND1. but even though this exist, You still need to know the knowledge, learn by reading book and watching video tutorials. just dont memorize the answer. There is no easy way,the easy way is the hard way.

  91. Anonymous
    July 9th, 2018

    @9tut, it would be great if you have explanation page for ICND2 – EIGRP Troubleshooting Simulator. I couldn’t find one.


  92. Tiger
    September 14th, 2018

    Passed today 880

    54 Questions in total. If you are going to take the exam soon:
    – Understand the EIGRP sim, don’t just know the answer by heart because they have changed the questions but the sim is the same. Read through the EIGRP explanation here on 9tut, and you’ll be fine
    – Understand OSPF sim
    – Focus more on ALL the NEW questions here, THEY ARE ALL VALID..!! Know the drag and drops..!

  93. Dunky
    September 29th, 2018

    I’m taking my test on the first, wish me luck and I’ll let you all know how valid this content is

  94. Rick Springfield
    October 2nd, 2018

    @Dunky – Well?

  95. bobo
    October 23rd, 2018

    Labs are not working, can’t access the questions.

  96. 9tut
    October 26th, 2018

    @bobo: Please make sure you have installed latest Flash plugin at https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer and enable it on your web browser.

  97. Dhiman
    March 27th, 2019

    hi all,

    i m going to plan for ICND1.
    any suggestions?


  98. Dobo
    May 13th, 2019

    Anyone got this Sim with the exact questions recently?

  99. itit
    May 20th, 2019

    when i type out complete valid commands for eigrp interfaces and neighbors
    its states the command in unsupported ??? i know some command line features are restricted,
    but these are really basic commands ???? 9tut please respond asap . thank you

  100. ititi
    May 20th, 2019

    we should be able to look at specific interfaces in detail !!!!

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